15 jaar Future for Kids!
Gefeliciteerd Future for Kids met 15 jaar inzet en energie op plaatsen waar het hard nodig is. CARD Solutions, als Web-, App- en FileMaker ontwikkelaar, is blij een sponsor partner te zijn en zo onze bijdrage te kunnen geven aan het wereldwijde werk wat jullie doen.

In 2002 begonnen met een basis website, en later uitgebouwd naar een grote website in 2 talen en een Mailing Manager om zo je lezers te informeren door middel van nieuwsbrieven. We dragen graag ons steentje bij door de hosting, onderhoud en ondersteuning die we op deze digitale manier kunnen geven.

Wat ons betreft op naar de 30 jaar Future for Kids!

Het CARD Solutions team

Dear Rob and Friends of future for kids,

Greeting from Thailand.
Fifteen and fifty are very close for the pronunciation and both are important this year.
Fifteen years of futureforkids.nl
Fifty years of my ordination to the priesthood.
When I think of the way we met the first time I feel amazed of how things happen in our life. Do you remember: you met your schoolmate in Bangkok and from that day you became acquainted with the Centre. Through you we came to know our friends and supporters. How many years went by since Solis and other friends gave us the first set of pumps. Few years later the hydrofoor system  served all the buildings. Everything went on smoothly for years, apart from minor problems which have been solved. We could fully appreciate the gift when we had to experience electricity failure.
The Centre has developed to the full extent with the changings required by the changing world. Many girls could grow and find their way. Outside Chiang Mai there is a factory where about 30 of our former students work. Through them the owner gave us quite a lot of fabric we can use. When I went to fetch the material the other workers must have been very surprised to see all the girls coming out to greet and embrace me, a white head foreigner. Many of them have now their own family and children.
We have now some workers coming from outside and some former students living in nearby villages. Some of them have encountered big problems. Coming to the Centre they could come to terms with themselves and with the others. One man, a Buddhist, very skilful in making bags of any kind, decided to enter monkhood in a temple for a time, then he will come back to work.
Another change: now we have 20 Akha girls from Myanmar. Little by little, communications between the two countries are improving and we try to do what we can to give a hand.
I am glad that futureforkids.nl, who started with us, opened to others in Kampuchea, in Africa, in Flores and elsewhere.  I wish that futureforkids.nl can go on and find supporters so that other young people can grow and find their place in the world with knowledge and dignity.

Please convey our best wishes to all our friends.
Fr. Pensa and all of us.