Chaing Rai, Thailand

Chaing Rai, Thailand

To begin customizing your site go to Appearance → Customizer and select Theme Options. Use the options to build your site.

Arusha, Tanzania

Arusha, Tanzania

Go to Theme Options → Homepage and choose image slider. Simply add an image, title and text to create stunning slides.

Sihanoukville, Cambodia

Sihanoukville, Cambodia

Go to Theme Options → Homepage (Featured) and turn the switch on then add the content you want for each section.


During a nice conversation Hans Waeyen came up with the idea to donate instruments to a shelter. “Children and music always is a winning combination”, he said. The shelter in Northern Thailand would be a good option according Hans. Mr. Sukit Triborirux of Sukit Musical Co.,Ltd in Thailand, a business relation of Hans, was more